Every article on this site is satire. We repeat SATIRE.


It is 2020, after all, so we figured we better drop a subtle hint. We're not sure how many ways you need to hear this, so let's try a few more:

Spanish: No facto, all fako.

British: So sorry, old chap. Cheerio.

Gen Z: Bruh, the shit ain't realz, yo.


French: Espèce de stupide Américain.

Brooklyn: Fuck outa here, asshole.

BLM: Click here

Bidenese: You a junkie?

James Woodspeak: It's more real than your mom.

Japanese: The same as Chinese.

American: Fake news. #MAGA

Disclaimer to the disclaimer: If you are offended by anything on this site, lighten up, Francis.

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